The Winner For Best Food At An Open House Goes To…

Yes, it’s a perk of the trade. If you were to combine Top Chef with Million Dollar Listing, you would get the ritual that most real estate agents here on the Peninsula experience on a weekly basis. Every week, agents put their new listings on “broker tour”, which is when they want every real estate agent to come by and see their new listing and quickly spread the word to their clients. If you get a lot of agents showing up and your house is priced right, it spreads the word exponentially so it’s really like an open house for agents.
To help get agents (and the public) to show up, many agents add enticement, and nothing does it better than good old free food. Since the Primetime Emmy Awards for Outstanding Television are this coming weekend, I thought it would be appropriate to give my own real estate meets Emmy style award to the hard working, meal providing real estate agents out there who make our grueling treck to multi million dollar homes much more enjoyable.
The nominations are:
Sherry Bucolo of Alain Pinel in Palo Alto for her listing (also in Palo Alto) where she served very tasty chicken strips, fresh fruit, finger sandwiches and lemonade…all at one time. It’s polite to grab a couple of items after viewing the house…but I think I grabbed a small plateful between each floor – and there were three levels! The chicken fingers were better than a restaurant and there was even ranch dressing for dipping. Oh yeah, the house was nice too and sold within a week.
Paul Engel of Coldwell Banker in Palo Alto who provided a “potential for a meal”. I say potential because he provided a lottery ticket to every agent who showed up. I haven’t checked my numbers yet, but if I win $5, then it’s McDonalds meal and no award. If I win $100, then a Sundance Steak and a victory. If I hit it big, I’ll buy Paul’s listing.
Steve Papapietro and Ahmad Ghavi of Bank of America. These are lenders that provide broker tour food for various agents to help spark their lending business. Their main item – meatballs to die for! I don’t know where they get them, but they could make a tear down in East Palo Alto suddenly look like an Atherton mansion after eating the meatballs and washing them down with the iced tea they also serve. Nothing is quite the same after eating them.
Ken DeLeon of Keller Williams in Palo Alto. Ken’s broker tours and open houses are infamous for his lunch setup which includes delightful double deviled eggs as well as the coffee cart that accompanies each new listing. The deviled eggs are huge and sinfully delicious while the mocha’s, lattes and hot chocolates are made with personality and Star Bucks like taste. I know agents who schedule their broker tour around Ken’s listings as you must show up around lunch to make the most out of this full free meal.
Before I announce this someday important honor, keep in mind that potential buyers can also come to these sometimes tasty broker tour hotspots. All you have to do is call your agent and ask to join them on tour. Broker Tour is every day of the week in a different city, for example Menlo Park and Atherton are on Tuesdays, Palo Alto and Los Altos on Fridays etc. And if your looking to buy a home and don’t have an agent, call me and I’ll gladly serve as your Maitre d’.
Ok, the music is playing and I’m running over my allotted word count. The Winner for best food at a broker tour/open house is………Steve Papapietro and Ahmad Gavi of Bank of America. Not only is their food great, but they are always at their open houses and add the element of nice conversation to the mix. A recipe for success.